Tezos Commons :: Setting up a Tezos Smart Rollup in 5 steps

Tezos Commons :: Setting up a Tezos Smart Rollup in 5 steps

March 10, 2023 0 By Tezos Commons

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by Thomas Letan & Chris Pinnock

A rollup is a means of processing transactions away from the main blockchain, “rolling them up” and injecting them back later. Tezos’s new upgrade Mumbai will bring the smart rollup feature to mainnet. A smart rollup is a rollup managed by a WebAssembly (Wasm) program, and can be used to implement a wide variety of use cases.

Applications include:

• Enhanced performance and increased throughput by allowing organisations to manage their transactions in a rollup;

• Running code off-chain to reduce load on the primary blockchain;

• Providing a virtual machine environment compatible with other blockchain smart contract languages (such as Ethereum’s), thus providing a migration path for developers from other blockchains.

This short article will show you how get started with a rollup on the Mumbai test network. Assuming that the Mumbai protocol is accepted, the process here should work on mainnet in April 2023, but please be careful — any Tezos wallet you manage on mainnet should be well-protected. Besides, the smart rollup node released as part of Octez v16 is provided for testing purposes. The first production-ready smart rollup node, suitable for a mainnet deployment, is expected to be released as part of Octez v17.

We do not delve into the technical detail. For further reading, please refer to the Smart Rollup Developer Documentation. We assume the following prerequisites:

• A working Debian or Ubuntu Linux machine running a rolling Tezos Node with Octez v16.0rc3 or later.

• To run a smart rollup daemon, you will need to reserve at least 10,000ꜩ which will be frozen as a security deposit. Additionally, some funds should be reserved to pay the fees of the Layer 1 operations.

Let’s start by setting these up including setting a wallet up on mumbainet.

1 — Setting up the node

You can setup the Octez software by building from source. Alternatively, you can use an article by one of the authors to setup a node. For smart rollups, you will need to use the v16.0rc3 packages at the download site instead of v15.1.

The article suggests using a dedicated user tezos for running the software and we assume the same in this article. Make sure that you setup the node for mumbainet and use a mumbainet snapshot. For example, when you configure the node use:

sudo su – tezos
octez-node config init –data-dir /var/tezos/node
–network mumbainet

The snapshot services listed in the article also provide mumbainet snapshots.

Then as root install the Smart Rollup daemons, installing any dependencies identified. For example, on Ubuntu Linux:

apt install libgmpxx4ldbl
dpkg -i octez-ubt220-unoff-smartrollups_16.0rc3-1_amd64.deb

2 — Setting up the wallet

You can setup a wallet on the machine and obtain 10,000 test ꜩ as follows. This procedure is not recommended on mainnet where you should protect your keys. We are assuming that you are running on a test network. Firstly, create a wallet which will be aliased as operator.

sudo su – tezos
octez-client gen keys operator
octez-client list known addresses

Use the Tezos address in the output of the last command. In our case it is tz1gUp6L56GvuLVk3ZFoFZ6bqckFZf6XgYsm (see below).

operator: tz1gUp6L56GvuLVk3ZFoFZ6bqckFZf6XgYsm (unencrypted sk known)

Obtain 10,000tz from the mumbainet faucet. You will need request two sets of tokens as the maximum request is 6,001tz. The resulting 12,002tz will be largely enough for the deposit and the Layer 1 fees.

$ octez-client get balance for operator
12002 ꜩ

3 — Choosing a WASM Kernel

For the Mumbai test network, the development team recommend and provide an experimental kernel. This kernel is a simple “echo kernel” which sends back any transactions it receives to the Layer 1 chain. The Smart Rollup Developer Documentation uses it to demonstrate the various interactions users can have with a smart rollup. Download the shell script which contains it.

source sr_boot_kernel.sh
echo ${KERNEL}

The KERNEL environment variable now contains the encoded Wasm kernel. If you use tcsh or csh you will need to adjust the script accordingly as it sets an environment variable.

4 — Creating the Rollup and configuring the Rollup Daemons

Assuming that the local wallet is called operator, initiate the rollup using the octez-client command (as tezos):

octez-client originate smart rollup from operator
of kind wasm_2_0_0
of type bytes
with kernel “${KERNEL}”
–burn-cap 999

The smart rollup node can be configured to provide a certain number of services, and can be configured to use more than one address. You can refer to the developer documentation for more information.

Provided that the origination is successful, there will be a line in the output containing the smart rollup address. The address begins with sr1 and in our example output below it is sr16sXnn7syKanQyVdXJ2h1VxKxmSE52NNsv.

Estimated gas: 2748.229 units (will add 100 for safety)
Estimated storage: 6552 bytes added (will add 20 for safety)
Operation successfully injected in the node.
Operation hash is ‘ooU5aURNgPGcvuHrSxtWJ61NoBMdD5H6nh8smStGV8JhE1ip8Ac’
Waiting for the operation to be included…
Operation found in block: BMA1mBzZZfra2cAhYVUQ5G2d7qWNrr62UGzE4PnM4rMhr2v5SYm (pass: 3, off
This sequence of operations was run:
Manager signed operations:
From: tz1gUp6L56GvuLVk3ZFoFZ6bqckFZf6XgYsm
Fee to the baker: tz0.001054
Expected counter: 285427
Gas limit: 2849
Storage limit: 6572 bytes
Balance updates:
tz1gUp6L56GvuLVk3ZFoFZ6bqckFZf6XgYsm … -tz0.001054
payload fees(the block proposer) +tz0.001054
Smart rollup origination: Kind: wasm_2_0_0
Parameter type: bytes
Kernel Blake2B hash:
This smart rollup origination was successfully applied
Consumed gas: 2748.269
Storage size: 6552 bytes
Address: sr16sXnn7syKanQyVdXJ2h1VxKxmSE52NNsv
Genesis commitment hash:
Balance updates:
tz1gUp6L56GvuLVk3ZFoFZ6bqckFZf6XgYsm … -tz1.638
storage fees +tz1.638

The operation has only been included 0 blocks ago.
We recommend to wait more.
Use command
octez-client wait for ooU5aURNgPGcvuHrSxtWJ61NoBMdD5H6nh8smStGV8JhE1ip8Ac
to be included –confirmations 1 –branch
and/or an external block explorer.

From the perspective of the Layer 1, the only power the operator wallet has over the originated smart rollup is to choose its program. Afterwards, the life cycle of the smart rollup can be handled by any implicit account, as long as they agree to lock 10,000ꜩ.

Create a working directory. Then use the smart rollup address and the wallet address to configure the rollup daemons using the currently active protocol as follows:

Tabulate: mkdir -p /var/tezos/smartrollup
octez-smart-rollup-node-PtMumbai –base-dir “/var/tezos/node”
init operator config for “sr16sXnn7syKanQyVdXJ2h1VxKxmSE52NNsv”
with operators “tz1gUp6L56GvuLVk3ZFoFZ6bqckFZf6XgYsm”
–data-dir “/var/tezos/smartrollup”

In Octez v16, there is a smart rollup node for each supported protocol (Mumbai, and the so-called proto-alpha protocol deployed on Testnets like Mondaynet). Eventually, the goal is to provide one binary capable of dealing with all supported protocols.

5 — Running the Rollup Daemons

If you are using the packages mentioned above, you can run the smart rollup daemons using systemctl as root. They can be setup to start at boot time. Check that /etc/octez/smartrollup.conf is suitable for your environment before running.

systemctl enable octez-smartrollup
systemctl start octez-smartrollup

Alternatively, you can run the rollup daemon by hand (as tezos) and see the logs on the terminal:

octez-smart-rollup-node-PtMumbai run –data-dir /var/tezos/smartrollup

The packages provided will only start the Mumbai smart rollup daemon. You can adjust this in /etc/octez/smartrollup.conf.

Finally, to test the rollup you can inject a simple message into it. We breakdown the example given on the development site. The detail is beyond the scope of this article. Firstly originate a contract on the blockchain as follows:

Tabulate: sudo su – tezos
octez-client originate contract testcontract transferring 1 from operator
running ‘parameter string; storage string; code {CAR; NIL operation; PAIR};’
–init ‘””‘ –burn-cap 0.4

This will return a contract identifier like this one:

New contract KT1ABda79D6zcmRvKPoTYsqddDhrhWCqjCzr originated.

Using the tezos account, encode a simple message using the smart rollup client (the MESSAGE declaration is one line):

MESSAGE='[ { “destination” : “KT1ABda79D6zcmRvKPoTYsqddDhrhWCqjCzr”,
“parameters” : “”Hello Tezos Commons””,
“entrypoint” : “%default” } ]’

EMESSAGE=`octez-smart-rollup-client-PtMumbai encode outbox message “$MESSAGE”`

Send the message to the rollup using the octez-client command.

octez-client send smart rollup message “hex:[ “${EMESSAGE}” ]” from operator

You have now seen how to setup a rollup and submit messages to it. There is obviously a lot more detail happening under the hood than we can give here. You can view the transactions on the blockchain by downloading the relevant blocks from the node, for example:

wget http://YOURNODE:8732/chains/main/blocks/BLOCK_ID

In a similar transaction to above, here are the sections of the blocks downloaded and formatted using jq. This block shows that the smart rollup node has published a commitment that is an update of the rollup state.

“protocol”: “ProtoALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaALphaDdp3zK”,
“chain_id”: “NetXzfS4qFhir8c”,
“hash”: “onjf4VukkZ2BYkhbnjtKMia35xzTkQwoYctrYZ8sNwBh2BRgDSq”,
“branch”: “BMDnbi8TKyDbNR4144Um15jCoLGEh2WejS5j2iM68SPTVcRqZZc”,
“contents”: [
“kind”: “smart_rollup_publish”,
“source”: “tz1gUp6L56GvuLVk3ZFoFZ6bqckFZf6XgYsm”,
“fee”: “963”,
“counter”: “3941”,
“gas_limit”: “6418”,
“storage_limit”: “0”,
“rollup”: “sr1Hp6fvRDkKUsFsdLXoFiAn1tVCjkpmSygb”,
“commitment”: {
“compressed_state”: “srs12QdRrhCEj8N8HjbsZNQVd8x4EVzfT9SBCfzNSHqS97i6yWVXA9”,
“inbox_level”: 8958,
“predecessor”: “src13eN6KaiGH66HDYRsoXdZBiQ1GT24qjDusgCuEkrEiL2MUxEGA3”,
“number_of_ticks”: “880000000000”
“metadata”: {
“balance_updates”: [
“kind”: “contract”,
“contract”: “tz1gUp6L56GvuLVk3ZFoFZ6bqckFZf6XgYsm”,
“change”: “-963”,
“origin”: “block”
“kind”: “accumulator”,
“category”: “block fees”,
“change”: “963”,
“origin”: “block”
“operation_result”: {
“status”: “applied”,
“consumed_milligas”: “6317837”,
“staked_hash”: “src12cod31ux6yxPBEhhWSX7nW3bodNRxdMHnzMjLNYVRfLCG3dXNp”,
“published_at_level”: 8961,
“balance_updates”: []

Smart rollups are optimistic rollups. This means that when a smart rollup node publishes a state update with a commitment, the Layer 1 does not have any means to know whether or not this commitment is correct or not. However it features a permissionless dispute mechanism to allow an honest participant to refute malicious commitments. This mechanism is already supported by the smart rollup node, which can automatically start and carry out disputes. However, it is out of scope of this article.

Note that this last example was undertaken on Mondaynet instead of Mumbainet. You can also use Mondaynet for your smart rollup testing but you will need to use the right development version of Octez to match the network.


Thanks to John Newby for some useful discussions during the preparation of this paper.

Setting up a Tezos Smart Rollup in 5 steps was originally published in Tezos Commons on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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