Scamlink Official :: Massive Update: Scamlink, Vortex , ANTI Tokenomics, Governance, and what’s next!

Scamlink Official :: Massive Update: Scamlink, Vortex , ANTI Tokenomics, Governance, and what’s next!

April 20, 2022 0 By Scamlink

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The release of the ANTI token has raised some pertinent questions regarding its utility on the Vortex platform and we are happy to finally address them today. We will be sharing the next steps for Vortex and the incentive model for our ANTI hodlers and SMAK OGs who have been rightfully waiting for some news to come out.

Throwback to our first Vortex announcement. It still holds true.

The Tezos ecosystem is evolving consistently, but it is still at a nascent stage when it comes to adoption. As we launch ‘Vortex’ our goal is to siphon users from other blockchain networks with limitations and security issues to Blockchain 3.0 that provides real scalability without compromising on affordability, safety, or speed.

Vortex AMM was built in the spirit of bringing more awareness to the Scamlink and Tezos platforms by offering a suite of Dapps that lay the groundwork for new investors to join in.

Our rationale is based on the big picture, that is, creating optimum tools for DeFi users while paving the way for applications to be built on top of the protocol in the future. A DEX remains a crucial tool to capture liquidity, drive traffic, and foster a blockchain‘s growth.

Scamlink aims to build a Web3 infrastructure to secure digital and real-life transactions by creating tools that are decentralized, scalable, and community-governed. Escrow smart contracts are a core component of that infrastructure, and Automated Market Makers (AMM) like Vortex are a great example of an on-chain escrow use case.

The AMM helped spread awareness about Scamlink, through liquidity mining, and partnerships like Dogami, Youves, and more to come. We’ve seen a significant increase in traffic, number of users, and strong social engagement.


Vortex became one of the leading DEXs on Tezos in just a few months and we are proud of this accomplishment. Tezos DeFi is still very early and we are working with different parties to bring the fundamentals that keep it undervalued.

We believe 2022 is going to be a key year for Tezos. We’re always striving to provide the best user experience as more features will be going live soon, coupled with a new liquidity mining strategy and the Vortex DAO down the road.

How you’ll be able to use ANTI on Vortex

The Vortex AMM has strategically positioned itself as a product of its own this year. ANTI is an extension of the Vortex DeFi suite and is definitely here to stay.

The initial idea for ANTI was to introduce the concept of a deflationary reward token to liquidity providers while eventually reducing selling pressure on SMAK.

SMAK had a great time during the first liquidity mining program. It helped bootstrap Vortex TVL and gave it more visibility, which was the primary intent. Vortex has also given SMAK a use case ahead of time by being used across different Dapps.

Moving forward, there are different ways we’ll be using Vortex on Scamlink and other platforms.

For instance, we will integrate a Vortex Widget on Scamlink to facilitate token purchases. That tool will also allow any platform to integrate Vortex Swap functionality with their solution.

SMAK’s utility will reside within the realm of our escrow solutions as formulated in the Scamlink whitepaper, mostly to draw a line between DeFi and Scamlink’s business model as well as avoid any confusion for future investors and the corporate world as we move forward with building awareness.

In other words, we needed a token that could be fully dedicated to our DeFi ecosystem without disproportionately affecting SMAK’s initial value proposition in the long term.

ANTI Mechanism — Reminder

ANTI is a deflationary token with a finite supply and is subject to a universal 8% fee every time it is sent to an address.

Of that 8%, 7% is burned while 1% goes back to the ANTI treasury address.

This deflationary mechanism is efficient when combined with other use cases as users need to work out the numbers each time they move their tokens to a wallet address.

It acts as an indirect incentive to interact with smart contracts or hold onto the tokens.

We will soon add ANTI metrics to the dashboard and analytics section.

Interaction with Vortex features

ANTI will keep being used as a reward token for liquidity providers on Vortex in the Farms and Launchpools.We’ll replace SMAK with ANTI on the lottery app soon.SMAK will still have its own launchpools and we might launch strategic SMAK farms in the future to boost liquidity on new pairs.To make things even smoother, our Decentralized Buyback & Burn 🔥 System for Vortex V2 will still be in SMAK until the DAO goes live and decides on whether or not ANTI should take over.

Today, SMAK is being bought back and burned manually. This system incentivizes any user to trigger Buyback & Burn mechanism in a fully decentralized way.

ANTI and Liquidity-Driven Governance

Now comes the exciting part! Considering the evolution of the platform, we’ve been thinking about a slightly different form of governance for Vortex, and one that is separate from the Smarltink platform for the same reasons we’ve already stated above. ANTI will be used for this part.

Our first concept was already different from what other DAOs are doing, in short, not basing one’s voting power on the number of tokens they own, but rather on a set of XYZ conditions a user has to fulfill to earn 1 vote or make a proposal.

We are proposing a slightly different approach that is, to our knowledge, quite unique in the space.

We’re excited to introduce our Liquidity-Driven Governance 💧

Liquidity is paramount to any successful exchange and having a governance token isolated in a staking pool or a wallet limits users’ ability to put their tokens to work, enjoy double rewards, and contribute to the success of the exchange.

Today, we’re excited to introduce the use of LP tokens in Governance.

👉 Let’s get into the deets.

To be considered eligible, users will have to follow these steps in order to take part in Vortex governance:

Become a liquidity provider to the ANTI/XTZ pool on Vortex (This may be adjusted depending on the economic context. XTZ is today the most liquid asset on Vortex, however, this might change with Vortex v2 and the liquidity mining program coming for Stable pairs. The community will be able to change those parameters as well in the future.)Stake the minimum required ANTI/XTZ LP tokens in order to participate (a certain % of the pool will be required)ANTI token rewards will be distributed to LPs for locking their liquidity in the Governance poolValidate at least 3 credentials with Tezos profile, as an additional security measure to limit spamUsers will be ranked on a public board according to their commitment to the platform to help the community identify the credibility of Governance participants. (We removed the initial proposition of a board and committee. Vortex DAO will be fully community-governed)Other requirements for submitters include locking LP tokens in an escrow contract during the proposal time period and a minimum stake will be necessary for each voting Phase (more detail on this soon)

Vortex Governance will come with open-source repositories for each Vortex Dapp and will allow the community to make all types of decisions for the platform.

Scamlink will also have its own Governance system based on the same mechanism, but with SMAK at its core.

This governance model will also benefit other projects in the ecosystem that are looking for an effective way to incentivize their Governance stakeholders while driving liquidity to strategic pairs.

We will share a detailed article on the process closer to launch.


A total of 777,777,777,777.777 ANTI have been minted and will become accessible over a 4-year release program.

The initial four-year allocation of the total supply of ANTI is as follows:

60.00% (466,666,666,666.662 ANTI) to the Community as follows:
– 15.00% (116,666,666,666.66 ANTI) Airdrop to historical liquidity providers based on volume and liquidity provided to Vortex since launch, SMAK holders, ANTI holders, other DeFi platform’s users
– 45.00% (349,999,999,999.99 ANTI) to the Governance Treasury for grants, marketing, community initiatives, liquidity mining, and other programs.15.00% (116,666,666,666.66 ANTI) to developers, maintenance15.00% (116,666,666,666.66 ANTI) to investors, advisors10.00% (77,777,777,777.77 ANTI) to partners (market makers, exchanges)

ANTI will vest to the governance treasury on a continuous basis according to the following schedule.

Developer, investor, and partner ANTI allocations will have tokens locked up on an identical schedule.


There will be several airdrops over the next few months and the first one will be announced soon on our socials! 15% of the token supply will be airdropped.

Liquidity providers, SMAK holders, and ANTI holders will be rewarded Big Time for their support.

5% (38,888,888,888.88 ANTI) Airdrop to historical LPs, SMAK, and ANTI Holders — TBA
5% (38,888,888,888.88 ANTI) Airdrop to continuous SMAK and ANTI Holders randomly this year
5% (38,888,888,888.88 ANTI) Airdrop to continuous Farmers and Launchpools Users and other’s DeFi platforms’ users randomly this year

Link to our Docs:

Upcoming AMA

We will host an AMA on Tuesday 19th at 5:00PM UTC to answer your questions and mingle with the community!

📍 Venue link:

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