Tezos Commons :: A New Token Tracker for Tezos

Tezos Commons :: A New Token Tracker for Tezos

January 30, 2023 0 By William McKenzie

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Announcing Tezos Commons’ latest grantee in our small grants program, Crunchy.network

Small Grants Program

We’re proud to announce that Crunchy.network is the latest recipient of a grant from our small grants program!

The small grants program is an experimental regional effort focused on providing funding for low cost, intermittent, or experimental projects in the Tezos ecosystem. While small in size they are an important step toward maintaining the health of the ecosystem and the pursuit of progress as our communities grow.

You can learn more about the program and apply here.

What is Crunchy working on?

The Crunchy team has been hard at work with their recent deployment of a new token tracker for the major FA1.2 and FA2 Tezos tokens. Heading over to the Crunchy homepage, you can now easily track and manage your Tezos DeFi assets with the luxury of having something similar to CoinMarketCap’s detailed metric breakdown.

Let’s learn a bit more about the motivation behind creating it and some of Crunchy’s plans for the tracker.

Meet Frank

Frank (also known as “onebalddude”) is not a stranger to the Tezos community. Having participated in the initial Tezos fundraiser, Frank has been an active community member and is most well-known for being the Co-Founder and Product Designer at Crunchy.

We spoke with Frank on the motivation for creating this new token tracker and some of his plans for the tracker moving forward.

For those who might not know, what exactly is Crunchy?

Crunchy is a DeFi as a service platform. Basically we build DeFi services that users can utilize for a small fee instead of having to create their own contracts. We also offer a DEX aggregation service, a simplified view of your Tezos DeFi portfolio, and we are now expanding our Tezos token tracker to view metrics and charts for the major Tezos FA1.2 and FA2.0 tokens.

What led you to start working on Crunchy and ultimately create a DeFi hub on Tezos?

Early on we worked on Rocket Launchpad and had plans of expanding. At that time, the team we have now was basically spread across several projects. After a meeting one day, we decided to merge all resources to one to ensure we could actually deliver on our vision. From there, we have listened to numerous users and heard their complaints about Tezos DeFi. This has led to the creation of the DEX aggregate, DeFi portfolio, and now the Tezos token tracker. We want to build tools the Tezos ecosystem needs and wants to use.

What was the motivation behind creating the Tezos token tracker and how do you plan to use the small grant?

After initial deployment of the Tezos token tracker, we realized the potential to greatly expand this feature to track detailed metrics from all DEX’s to really show users the full picture and help them make better decisions when buying tokens from the Tezos ecosystem. With this grant, we will expand our indexer and add more detailed metrics and charts to the Crunchy token tracker.

How did you come into contact with Tezos Commons about this project, and what was it like applying for your Tezos Commons Grant?

Being in the US, I have connected with TCF before and had heard of the SGP. This specific feature wasn’t something on our original roadmap and does require a lot of frontend work as well as indexer work. That can get expensive. Since this feature can assist users make a more educated decision, and since this consolidated data doesn’t exist, it made sense to see if TCF would be willing to fund further expansion of this product. After I reached out, I had a video meeting with a TCF member and showed the prototypes and chatted on what features we can add. The next step was to submit a grant proposal and I heard back within a week. It was a very simple and straightforward process.

What’s next for you and the Crunchy team? Are there any other exciting projects in the works?

Other than the Tezos token tracker, we are focused on enabling CRNCHY staking for revenue sharing. This will also jumpstart the DAO on Homebase so users can start interacting and submitting proposals.As soon as staking is live, we are going to push forward with the final UI changes to Sliced.art, Tezos first fraction NFT marketplace. This has been a work in progress for a very long time and the one thing I’m most excited to see come to life.Other than that, we do have a couple ideas we are brainstorming and researching at this moment….but I will save those for a later date.

The Tezos token tracker is an invaluable tool for the Tezos DeFi ecosystem and Tezos Commons is proud to award Crunchy.network this grant to expand it’s features. With tools like this being developed, we can’t wait to see how it shapes the Tezos DeFi ecosystem!

A New Token Tracker for Tezos was originally published in Tezos Commons on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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