Tezos Commons :: 5 New Years Resolutions for the Tezos Ecosystem in 2023

Tezos Commons :: 5 New Years Resolutions for the Tezos Ecosystem in 2023

January 4, 2023 0 By Stu Elmes

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It’s that time of year again.

A time for reflection. A time to take stock. A time for renewed optimism for the fresh New Year.

The sun has set on 2022. As 2023 has arrived, we’ll all be setting our personal goals for the 12 months ahead and rushing to accomplish them before the year is done. Here in the Elmes household, for example, I’ll be working to drop 10 pounds. That’s 0.833333 pounds — the approximate weight of 1 gallon of room temperature water — each and every month for the 12 months of 2023, in case you were wondering.

And I’m not alone. According to Finder.com, some 141 million adults in the US (about 55% of the country’s population) make New Year’s resolutions annually. This time honored tradition dates back hundreds of years, and (presumably) helps a great number of people better themselves every single year. But we aren’t here to talk about them.

Here in the Tezos ecosystem, we have goals of our own. 2022 was a tumultuous year in the wide world of blockchain technology. If you’re reading this, I’ll go ahead and assume that you’re well aware of how things have progressed in the larger blockchain space these past 12 months, and I won’t bore you by re-hashing it all again here.

Amid the chaos and tumult of 2022 in the larger blockchain space, the Tezos ecosystem has quietly been making progress. We’ve watched massive partnerships unfold, Tezos-powered games brought to market, the digital arts community move into our ecosystem in droves, and other exciting Tezos developments happening all across the globe.

But, as we are all acutely aware, there’s still more work to be done.

So, with that in mind, here are 5 New Year’s Resolutions for the Tezos ecosystem that I hope we can all get behind. As we’ve seen, our ecosystem holds tremendous promise and pride. I’m sure we all hope to see the Tezos ecosystem move toward realizing that promise in 2023.

These 5 resolutions would be a great place to start…

1) Keep building!

The Tezos ecosystem has experienced amazing growth these past few years. The Tezos protocol has successfully upgraded for the twelfth time in December of 2022. If our ecosystem’s history is any indication, it’s a safe bet that there will be several more upgrades to come in 2023. Our industry-leading governance model enabled this ongoing evolution to continue in 2022, and has proven to be of great benefit for those building tools and applications in the Tezos ecosystem. As 2023 rolls on, and as humanity inches closer to the Web 3.0 revolution to come, it behooves us to keep building on the progress that has been made. The foundation is set for another productive year for those building on our chain, and the rewards for doing so could have a profound positive impact on where the Tezos ecosystem is headed in the months and years to come.

2) More everything!

We’ve seen the impact that new projects in the Tezos ecosystem can have on Tezos blockchain metrics while attracting new users and this is quite exciting. Exciting gaming offerings, NFT drops, and the like represent a significant shot in the arm for our ecosystem as a whole. The recent release of the Official Manchester United Digital Collectibles and the ensuing explosion of activity on the Tezos chain stands as a prime example. We need to keep these new projects coming as 2023 rolls on- whatever form they may take. The growth of the Tezos userbase depends on our community continuing to build, develop, and support the new offerings being brought forth in our ecosystem. Our shared success depends on it!

3) It’s Transaction Season

There’s simply no way around it: when it comes to the success of the Tezos ecosystem as a whole, participation is key. With the laudable goal of 1 million transactions per second now well within our collective sights, it’s more important than ever for everyone in our community to get actively involved. I’ve already mentioned the importance of supporting the new projects being built in the Tezos ecosystem, but it bears repeating: the more we all take part in and experiment with the amazing Tezos-powered offerings to come, the further we can push our protocol toward the Web 3.0-enabled future we’ve been promised. Remember, it takes a village!

4) Do unto others…

The Tezos community is, famously, a very welcoming and supportive place to be. As exciting new tools, applications, games, etc. continue to be rolled out across the Tezos ecosystem in the year to come, it’s absolutely crucial that our community remains as welcoming and supportive as possible. It behooves every one of us to extend a hand to those just finding their way into the Tezos ecosystem, answer the questions they may have, steer them toward the people/groups/chats that can help them accomplish their Tezos-related goals, and make them feel at home. The blockchain space can be a daunting one for those unfamiliar with its jargon, technologies, expectations, and personalities, but here in the Tezos community, it doesn’t have to be if we all do our part. (You can also get rewarded for helping others through the Community Rewards Program!)

5) Go forth and multiply

Overall market downturn aside, there are still masses of people out there who are curious about blockchain technology and its potential applications. With its bevy of offerings in the NFT, gaming, and Defi arenas, the Tezos ecosystem is a great place for the ‘cryptocurious’ to dip their toes into this powerful emerging technology. Make no mistake: the opportunity to bring new users into the Tezos ecosystem at scale in 2023 is very real. I’ve recently published a step-by-step guide to sending the gift of Tezos to a friend, family member, or loved one during the holiday season of 2022. But there’s no reason to stop there. Tezos tokens make great birthday presents as well. They give new users a simple introduction to the functioning Tezos ecosystem, help people open their first crypto wallet, and help show the world exactly what Tezos has to offer. Small, simple steps like this, executed by our community at large, can (and will) add up to a big impact on the ongoing quest to grow the Tezos user base moving forward.

Will 2023 be a better year than the one which preceded it for the blockchain space at large and the Tezos ecosystem more specifically? I certainly hope so, but only time will tell. What I do know for certain is that all the pieces are in place. In my extensive conversations over the past 12 months with the builders and developers that make the Tezos ecosystem and blockchain go, one common thread has emerged: there’s a lot happening in the Tezos ecosystem right now, and there’s a whole lot more to come.

Let’s make sure the world understands this in 2023!

5 New Years Resolutions for the Tezos Ecosystem in 2023 was originally published in Tezos Commons on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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