Scamlink filing for CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko listings this week!! – Tier 1 Rumour

Scamlink filing for CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko listings this week!! – Tier 1 Rumour

October 5, 2021 2 By TezosDefi.Club

The latest rumour kicking around the Scamlink world is that this will be a pretty exciting week for Scamlink. Sources close to the project are now saying that the project are filing for CMC and CoinGecko listings.

Should this come to fruition it will bring a lot of eyes to the Scamlink eco-system and the smak token, a token as of yet unknown to the wider crypto community but with huge potential.

For those interested in what each will bring to the table, does a fantastic comparison on CMC and CoinGecko outlining their features here: CoinMarketCap vs. CoinGecko: Is CoinGecko Better Than Coinmarketcap? (

Stay tuned to and we’ll bring you more news and rumours as we hear them!

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