Tezos Commons :: The Message(s) Behind The Art

Tezos Commons :: The Message(s) Behind The Art

May 23, 2024 0 By Yoeshi Labs

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“I Don’t Understand It, So I Don’t Like It” Is an Oxymoron.

Yoeshi Labs X Leonardo AI

Everyone has heard the saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” This is pretty easy to understand, as simply by opening a book you reveal an entire story inside. This simple concept is something to remember when consuming art as well. Artists do not create for the sake of fame or wealth. If they do, you perhaps won’t find much context behind the imagery. In its place, you will find “hype.” Of course, it is completely understandable to have preferences, but with the art world evolving so rapidly, it is beneficial to read the messages behind the art, because a picture, particularly one curated by an artist, is truly worth thousands of words.

Don’t Tell Me How to Consume Art!

I would never do such a thing! I wouldn’t want to rob someone of their own experience with any art form. However, I do hope that my lifelong love for art can offer some insight to help others see the nuances that may otherwise go unnoticed. Especially on a blockchain like Tezos, where so much exploration and innovation happens, often resulting in art forms that challenge our preferences. Particularly in marketplaces like OBJKT, TEIA, and akaSwap, where there are no gatekeepers, and artists are free to share their most controversial and extreme creations. When one discovers the affordability and accessibility of using Tezos applications, it becomes easier to see why so many artists are in the Tezos Community.

Loving More Things Puts More Love in Our Lives

There are many takes on why we are here in this human experience, but one constant truth since the beginning of humanity is that we long to express ourselves through the things we create. Another truth is that we can only begin to love the things that we allow ourselves to understand. I used to think I hated any art that had skulls in it. It wasn’t until my mid-30s that I recognized I had not taken the time to understand why skulls were often part of various art forms. I decided to talk with fellow artists about what inspired their “dark art,” and it began to resonate more with me. What I used to dismiss on my timeline was, in fact, a missed opportunity to know and appreciate a very important aspect of creation: death. Now I can further appreciate both the artists and their art for its meaning, without letting the skulls put up that silly wall.

Yoeshi Labs X Kaiber AI

Embracing AI Art

The art market is currently being flooded with more content than ever. It can understandably be overwhelming; however, it is a missed opportunity to become discouraged and vocally against all AI art. When an artist wants to manifest something they are feeling, it should be seen as a beautiful thing, especially with more tools at their disposal. If an artist takes the time to learn a new tool, puts their heart into creating, and makes you feel something, the method of creation shouldn’t matter. This is why AI art should be analyzed with the same openness as any other art form.

Don’t let fear and lack of understanding keep you from exploring and seeking inspiration from this rapidly evolving art revolution. As a personal example, I have always put myself into what I create; however, with AI assistance, I feel empowered with more ways to tell my story. As a musician, I have more time to focus on the music and the ability to produce entire music videos myself. These accomplishments were only possible for signed and well-funded mainstream artists before AI. Instead of costing millions and taking months of production, I can offer my listeners more frequent opportunities to know me with fewer physical barriers and improved production quality. Just like any other past innovation, there are flaws, but if it can make it easier for people to express themselves, perhaps we should try to understand.

Yoeshi Labs x Leonardo AI

Go Forth and Seek More Art to Love

Embracing the depth and meaning behind art, especially in a rapidly evolving space like the Tezos community, can enrich our lives and broaden our perspectives. By taking the time to understand the messages and stories artists convey through their work, we open ourselves up to new experiences and connections.

So, next time you encounter a piece of art that challenges your preferences, take a moment to delve deeper — you might discover a whole new world of appreciation and understanding. How could your perspective on art, particularly AI art, change? What new inspirations could you find in this evolving landscape?

The Message(s) Behind The Art was originally published in Tezos Commons on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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