Tezos Commons :: The success of the Tezos Community Rewards Program (#TezosCRP)

Tezos Commons :: The success of the Tezos Community Rewards Program (#TezosCRP)

December 29, 2022 0 By Cryptonio.tez

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Since the beginning of the Tezos Community Rewards Program (‘Tezos CRP’) more than 66,758 tez have been given out to Tezos community members that are bringing value to the Tezos ecosystem. Every month, up to 5,000 tez are handed out to those community members who go out of their way to help bring value to the ecosystem.

With the holidays in full swing, I thought it would be nice to take a look on why you should pay some more attention to this program and the importance of rewarding yourselves (yes, you can nominate yourself and get rewarded too!) and our fellow community members.

What is the Tezos Community Rewards Program?

The Tezos community rewards program is an initiative of the Tezos Commons foundation that aims to reward Tezos community members that go out of their way to bring value to the Tezos ecosystem. Value can come in many different ways and that’s why we have nine different categories that people can be nominated for. Not sure what category that someone should be nominated for? No problem, just use the #tezoscrp under any discord message or tweet.

Whether it’s helping random users by replying to their Tezos related questions, or helping to onboard developers/NFT artists/users, or making informative videos/articles/posts about Tezos, or even if you are simply having a constructive conversation with good argumentation (yes, you read that right!), you are eligible to be nominated in one of the nine categories.

For a complete list of the categories and their explanations you can go to tezoscommons.org/rewards.

How Can You Participate?

In the 2+ years that the TezosCRP has been running, we’ve been able to simplify the process so much that it takes no longer that 30 seconds for you to nominate someone through the Tezos CRP Nomination Form. It consists of only 3 questions: who you nominate, for which category, what they did to warrant a reward, (you can provide a link as well) and then you submit it. Easy as a,b,c!

If you feel that even this is too much for you, we still got you covered! You can now simply use the TezosCRP hashtag (#TezosCRP) as a reply to the post or conversation you want to nominate. This hashtag can be used on Twitter, Reddit or in the Tezos Discord server.

Why should you participate in the Tezos Commons Rewards Program.

Motivation, recognition, and satisfaction are some of the emotions that people feel when they see their names in the winner list. Knowing that your actions, even those that are not in the spotlight, are recognized by other people and that they they take the time to nominate you, should give you the motivation to keep going. Knowing that your efforts are acknowledged and getting rewarded for them should give you a great feeling of satisfaction.

But don’t take my word for it, I reached out to random past winners of the program and asked them about their opinion on #TezosCRP, here is what they had to say:

I think this program is bare essentials for any ecosystem trying to build and get bigger. I’ve observed multiple people take initiative because of it. The morale boost alone, to see community members getting something for effort is amazing. We have several 450 IQ people still on Tezos because of small things like the CRP. Just knowing that someone sees the work and takes the time to nominate, it’s a great.
~@BakingBenjaminsFor me, the CRP program is a reminder that my efforts are being recognized, even though they take place “behind the scenes”
~@eudaemonasIt’s fantastic. A lot of us still around are really here because we actually believe in Tezos and want to see it be successful. With the market the way it is, times can seem really dark but seeing others vote and appreciate our effort is really motivational and makes it all worth it. Plus….who doesn’t love some extra Tez.
~@one_bald_dudeIt’s a nice incentive/reward program to help fostering Tezos Ecosystem using the community’s most active members.
~@bakinglibertezTezos CRP is giving individuals a mechanism to recognize and financially reward others who are working hard to better the Tezos ecosystem is a powerful way to encourage and incentivize growth-oriented participation in the community. Formal recognition is important because it doesn’t just incentivize those who have won before, but it helps give small blueprints for ways that others from all backgrounds and skillsets can participate and help better the ecosystem in their own ways. I think TezosCRP is a great way to show appreciation to those who are helping build this strong and diverse community. Tezos really is for everyone, and this program exemplifies that sentiment.
~@TezteesOfficialThe program offers the ability of everyday users and community member regardless of their development background the opportunity to be recognized for positive impacts on the ecosystem as a whole. It encourages a positive environment where community members are helping each other to push the technology and user base forward by giving monetary value to good deeds — something that isn’t prevalent on other chains afaik. The ability to nominate anyone in the ecosystem creates a fair system to reward community members, and furthers the idea of a P2P system where ‘a rising tide lifts all boats’. The Tezos Community Rewards is much like Tezos, unique in the broader ecosystem — encouraging a community that acts to lift up others and evolve and adapt to whatever the future brings.
~@DaedalusofCretePersonally I think it’s important to thank and recognize those who put the work in. Especially if they do it in their free time, voluntarily and for the good of the community.
~@AndreFvchsIf it wasn’t for CRP, I might have never gotten the initial funding that kick started my successful journey. In the beginning, I was going through such hard times that they literally paid my rent and fueled my rock bottom year.
~@YinYangYoeshiThe tezos community reward program is a fantastic way to increase community engagements and also cover multiple fields ( influencer, devs, ecosystem builder etc). It definitely help maintaining a strong community bond and increase the reach of our great Tezos blockchain.
~@TezosTexasThe Tezos Community Rewards are a fantastic way to recognise the people/teams who have contributed to the Tezos ecosystem in a meaningful way. Personally speaking, the team behind signum were extremely grateful for the award as voted by our peers for the often unseen hard work we put behind the scenes to build a powerful and a much needed platform. The Tezos Community Rewards has a great way to put you out there and reward you for the time you put into the ecosystem, we feel like it works as a motivation to be a part of something bigger. At the same time; beside the XTZ reward, which is also important, the most valuable reward is that you get chosen by the Tezos community for this and that gives true value to the work you’ve done.

So with the holidays in full swing, it is a great opportunity to reward Tezos community members by recognizing their efforts and nominating them for this month’s CRP. Remember it only takes 30 seconds, we are all in this together so let’s keep helping each other!

The success of the Tezos Community Rewards Program (#TezosCRP) was originally published in Tezos Commons on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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