Tezos Commons :: Announcing Homebase Lite: Snapshot on Tezos!

Tezos Commons :: Announcing Homebase Lite: Snapshot on Tezos!

November 25, 2022 0 By William McKenzie

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With the recent announcement of Lambda DAOs on Homebase, we’ve seen lots of new and exciting features coming to Homebase. In the spirit of maintaining Homebase as the flagship DAO tooling framework on Tezos, we’re excited to announce Homebase Lite.

Introducing Homebase Lite

If you’re familiar with the governance scene on EVM-compatible networks, you’ve likely heard of Snapshot. But just in case you haven’t, it’s a very straightforward tool that allows tokenized communities to create and vote on proposals without spending a fortune on gas fees. It started out off-chain roughly two years ago and gradually added more trustless functionality to the point that now it is now able to effect transactions and change the values of on-chain variables.

In collaboration with dOrg, Tezos Commons’ is introducing the same capabilities on Tezos through an entirely new product — Homebase Lite.

We’ve been contemplating the addition of such a tool to our governance kit for a while, especially given the prohibitive learning curve associated with creating and managing DAOs in the main Homebase app. With that learning curve in mind, with Homebase Lite, users can now instantiate DAOs, create and vote on token-weighted polls without having to bother with the cycle-bound operating model, the quorum self-adjustment feature, staking/un-staking, and other more advanced functionalities present in Homebase.

While this is great news for communities that needed to engage in quick temp-checks on various issues, there is the drawback of it not being able to trustless-ly tie the outcome of a poll to an on-chain transaction. This is why the next big item on our roadmap is a web3 bridge between Lite and the Homebase treasury. To put it in the same EVM-chain analogy, this bridge works similarly to how the Zodiac module allows Snapshot to trigger transactions on Gnosis Safe contracts. Making this bridge possible is the recently released Lambda functionality. It enables a Homebase DAO to recognize its Lite counterpart and using consensus, grant it the right to transfer up to a specific portion of the treasury.

Andrei Taranu of dOrg spoke more on the effort towards streamlining UX and making Homebase the one-stop shop for DAO creation and management on Tezos.

We identified UX to be the main adoption detractor, and therefore we are going about it this route making Homebase Lite very straightforward and gradually adding more functionality to make it consequential from an on-chain perspective.The thing I’m most excited about this is the integration of a bridge and streamlining UX. At the moment, Homebase is kind of the be-all-end-all at this point in terms of DAOs on Tezos and we’re trying to make sure that current and future communities are well-equipped to function and thrive, regardless of the specific nature of their activity.

Get started today on the Homebase site. More of a visual person? Check out a step-by-step walkthrough here. Have questions about Homebase or wanting to request certain features- we’d love to hear from you, join the Discord channel!

Learn more about Homebase

Homebase is a simple web application that enables users to create, manage, and interact with DAOs on the Tezos blockchain. This application aims to help empower community members and developers to launch and participate in Tezos-based DAOs. Since Tezos Commons’ takeover of the project and collaboration with dOrg, Homebase has evolved considerably with more updates and features planned down the road.

If you want to learn more about Homebase, be sure to read our introductory post and head over to the app today!

Announcing Homebase Lite: Snapshot on Tezos! was originally published in Tezos Commons on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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