Plenty :: Plenty Launch Partner Program

Plenty :: Plenty Launch Partner Program

November 22, 2022 0 By Plenty

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We are nearing the deployment of Plenty’s vote escrow system on Tezos mainnet, in preparation we wanted to guide projects on what they can do (if they so wish). At launch Tezos projects participating in the Plenty Launch Partner Program will receive a veNFT to participate in voting at launch.

What can veNFT holders do?

Vote on the weekly PLY emission percentage split across the gauges of the different Plenty liquidity pools.Claim weekly trading fees from voted liquidity pools.Boost PLY rewards APR for own LP stake.Claim weekly bribes from voted liquidity pools.


Any protocol or user can attach bribes onto a liquidity pool and those who vote for it will be able to claim them.

Plenty natively supports gauge bribes and automatically adjusts them according to weekly veNFTvotes. In addition to traditional bribes, which allows a protocol to expand their on-chain liquidity by bribing vote escrow holders to vote in a specific way (e.g. Convex bribing veCRV token holders). Plenty allows any user to attach bribes onto a gauge.

The concept of bribes was made popular by Convex which came to control a large share of Curve voting power. As users kept chasing high CRV rewards, protocols realized they could grow their protocol and on-chain liquidity by bribing veCRV holders to vote for their pool.

Who can bribe?

Anyone can issue a bribe to attract voters to a specified gauge in a specified epoch. However, bribers would most likely be:

Protocol owners who are aiming to bootstrap liquidity for their protocol’s token.Liquidity providers who have high stakes in a certain pool.

Entities in Tezos considered for airdrop

YouvesQuipuswapObjkt.comKord.fiDogamiVersumFxHashUpsorberSalsaDAOAngle ProtocolTezos DomainsStakeNow.fiMavrykKolibriCrunchyStableTechAllbridgeTeiaBaking BadTezCorpsAnd others…

Are you involved with a Tezos project and is your DAO, project, or tool missing from this list? Reach out to us in Discord!

About Plenty

The Plenty team is building an all-in-one decentralized platform on Tezos. Plenty will allow swaps on uncorrelated assets, and low-cost, near 0 slippage trades on tightly correlated assets. Plenty also features a built-in bridge from multiple EVM blockchains to Tezos.





Plenty Launch Partner Program was originally published in Plenty on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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