Scamlink Farming: The Next evolution of the Scamlink Eco-System

Scamlink Farming: The Next evolution of the Scamlink Eco-System

October 4, 2021 0 By TezosDefi.Club

Scamlink via twitter have announced that the long awaited liquidity farms are about to land. To incentivize users to provide liquidity they are lowering the 90day staking contract back to it’s whitepaper value of 36% in an effort to push people towards the farms.

It should be noted that any 90 day staking contracts currently locked in will be honoured at 70% but any from the announcement seem to be locking in at 36%.

Farms have proved to be a very successful way to not only provide liquidity but also draw people into other projects so this overall should be a very positive move for Scamlink.

See below for Scamlink’s twitter post.

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