Tezos Commons :: Tezos in Action: Spend Your Tez in Local Stores

Tezos Commons :: Tezos in Action: Spend Your Tez in Local Stores

September 19, 2024 0 By Cryptonio.tez

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Oobit’s Crypto Payments App Lets You Use Tez Like Cash — Here’s How

For anyone who’s been holding Tez and wondering when they’ll actually get to use it in their daily life, the news that Oobit integrated Tezos into its payment system is huge. As a long-time Tezos user, I’ve enjoyed staking, using decentralized applications (Dapps), and generally being a part of the Tezos ecosystem. But up until recently, the idea of actually spending my Tez in the real world felt like a distant dream. Now, with Oobit’s help, I was able to buy a coffee using my tez— yes, you read that right!

This isn’t just good news for people using Oobit. It’s a major step forward for Tezos itself. Here’s how it all works and why this matters for us Tezos fans.

What is Oobit?

So, what’s Oobit? Basically, it’s a crypto payments app that aims to make spending your coins as simple as tapping your card or phone. It’s designed to bridge the gap between crypto wallets and real-world purchases, letting you use your favorite cryptocurrencies like actual money.

That’s cool and all, but the real highlight for us is that they’ve integrated Tezos. This means you can now use your tez in the real world just as easily as you would use any other payment method. You can now spend your tez to buy stuff and we’re not talking about niche, obscure purchases — this could be coffee, groceries, or whatever else you can pay for using tap-to-pay methods.

For me, it’s not just about the app — it’s about the fact that Tezos is becoming a cryptocurrency I can actively use in day-to-day life. That’s a big win for Tezos adoption.

How to Use Oobit to Pay with tez.

So, how does this work? If you’re holding tez and you want to try this out, the process is pretty simple:

Download the App: First, grab the Oobit app (available on iOS and Android). It’s super easy to set up.Complete KYC: Yes, there’s a KYC step, but it’s quick. Basically, it’s a security thing to make sure you’re legit. It took just a few minutes.Send Tez: Transfer your tez to the Tezos address you are given in Oobit. The transaction is fast, and as always, Tezos’ low fees make it super cheap.Tap to Pay: When you’re ready to pay, just tap your phone at any terminal that accepts tap-to-pay, select Tez as the currency, and you’re done! I used it to buy coffee, and it worked perfectly.

Right now, Oobit’s tap-to-pay feature is available in several regions (mostly Europe), but I’m hopeful we’ll see more widespread availability soon as they have stated that USA and LATAM are in their roadmap for 2025. The more merchants and countries that get on board, the better for Tezos holders looking to spend their crypto.

Why This is Great News for Tezos Users?

Here’s why this development matters: Tezos has always been about more than just being another cryptocurrency. It’s a self-upgrading blockchain with a focus on sustainability, low fees, and strong governance. However, for all its strengths, one area where all cryptocurrencies lagged a bit is real-world utility. You can stake your tez, you can vote on protocol changes, but actually using it to pay for everyday things? That’s been limited — until now.

With Oobit’s integration, we’re finally seeing Tezos stepping into the realm of everyday spending. It’s something you can use to buy your morning coffee, groceries, or even a new TV — anything that supports tap-to-pay. This makes tez much more than just a speculative asset or a tool for governance — it becomes a true currency.


The ease of use, low fees, and fast transaction and finality times make Tezos perfect for this kind of real-world usage. And as more apps and platforms integrate Tezos, it could quickly gain traction as a go-to option for payments. This is good news not just for Tezos holders but for the entire crypto space, as it sets an example of how blockchain can blend into our daily lives without being overly complicated.

So, what’s the takeaway here? Oobit’s integration is just one step, but it’s a significant one for the Tezos ecosystem. If you’re a fan of Tezos like me, this is something to get excited about. It’s not just about the app — it’s about the future of Tezos as a currency.

Give it a try if you’re interested, and who knows? You might soon be buying coffee with Tez just like I did!

Tezos in Action: Spend Your Tez in Local Stores was originally published in Tezos Commons on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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