Tezos Commons :: Tezos Domains DAO: A Community-Driven Effort You Should Be Aware of

Tezos Commons :: Tezos Domains DAO: A Community-Driven Effort You Should Be Aware of

August 28, 2024 0 By Cryptonio.tez

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Empowering the Tezos Community to Shape the Future of Blockchain Naming

Blockchain tech can be pretty intimidating, right? Long wallet addresses, endless strings of random characters — it’s enough to make anyone’s head spin. That’s where Tezos Domains comes in, making it all a lot simpler by letting you register easy-to-remember names for your Tezos transactions.

But there’s more! Tezos Domains is stepping up its game with a new community-driven structure, the Tezos Domains DAO. This means the power is now in the hands of the community to shape its future.

In this article, we’ll dive into what Tezos Domains is all about, take a closer look at this new community-led approach, and show you how you can get involved.

What is “Tezos domains?”

Tezos Domains is making blockchain technology more accessible to a broader audience by simplifying one of its most challenging aspects: the use of complex wallet addresses. Instead of relying on long strings of random characters and numbers, which can be confusing and intimidating, Tezos Domains allows users to register easy-to-remember domain names for their Tezos transactions.

This innovation significantly enhances how people interact with the Tezos blockchain, addressing a long-standing criticism that the technology is difficult to use for those unfamiliar with it. Traditionally, sending or receiving digital assets has been a daunting process due to the potential for human error when entering these complex addresses.

Tezos Domains provides an elegant and straightforward solution. Users can secure a personalized domain name — similar to a website URL — and link it to their Tezos wallet address. For example, instead of sending funds to an obscure wallet address, you can send them to a user-friendly name like “johndoe.tez.” These domain names are minted as NFTs on the Tezos blockchain, giving users full ownership and control, including the ability to trade, transfer, or manage them as needed. Just like website domains, these names need to be renewed periodically.

Tezos domains DAO: The community-driven structure

Since October 2023, Tezos Domains has taken a big step by transitioning to a DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) structure, which means the community now has a direct say in how things are run. The project is governed by the $TED token, and if you hold these tokens, you can submit and vote on proposals through the Tezos Domains DAO on Homebase. If you’re curious about how to submit a proposal, there’s a handy guide available for you.

Much like Tezos Governance, the Tezos Domains DAO allows you to delegate your votes to someone you trust or even become a delegate yourself, letting others hand over their votes to you. This DAO isn’t just for show — it has real power. It can implement proposals related to how treasury funds are spent, adjust pricing, change policies, upgrade contracts, and steer the overall direction of Tezos Domains. All proposal discussions happen on the Tezos Domains forum, where the community comes together to shape the project’s future.

On top of all that, it’s cool to know that the DAO also includes executive positions to handle the day-to-day operations. These roles aren’t just for show — they’re essential for keeping things running smoothly. Positions like Community Manager, Steward of Governance, Moderators, Social Media Manager, and more are up for grabs, and the best part is that they’re elected by the community. So, if you’re passionate about Tezos Domains, you could even find yourself in one of these roles, helping to shape the future of the project from the inside!

How to get involved?

As we talked about earlier, if you want to get involved in the DAO, you’ll need some TED tokens. The easiest way to snag them is through the 3Route aggregator. Once you’ve got your tokens, the next step is to lock them through the Tezos Domains app’s dashboard. When you lock them, you’ll have the option to either vote on proposals yourself or delegate your votes to someone else.

And here’s a bonus: while your TED tokens are locked, they’re also being staked, and as of now, the APY is around 20%. Not too shabby! If you run into any issues along the way, don’t worry—just hop into the Tezos Domains Discord, where you can ask questions and get the help you need.

Tezos Domains DAO is a community-driven effort with one clear goal: to take the Tezos Domains project to new heights. This project plays a crucial role in the Tezos ecosystem, so as Tezos users, we should all be rooting for its success and supporting it in any way we can.

Even if you’re not looking to get deeply involved by buying tokens or becoming a delegate, your voice still matters. Participating in discussions and sharing your feedback — these are just as important and very much needed.

So, if you’re passionate about the future of Tezos, now’s the time to get involved. Whether it’s through voting, contributing ideas, or simply staying informed, every bit of support helps move the project forward. Let’s work together to make Tezos Domains the best it can be!

Tezos Domains DAO: A Community-Driven Effort You Should Be Aware of was originally published in Tezos Commons on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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